Phewwww.... Done with one of the summer activities that I had planned. I just completed and mailed off my 'Booklace' to Christine and would love to post more of a picture but don't want to ruin the surprise. It was tons of fun making it and I can't wait to see what I get back. I love these swaps and really like working with all the people involved. I'll post more once I feel 'safe' about a good reveal.
More later and best wishes,
Holly :)
Holly: I received your booklace today; and I adore it. I have several necklaces that I wear to work, in roation, to bring me good vibes and protect me from the the serious evil emmanating from the boss (this is true). I am adding your LOVE booklace to the rotation. Necklaces are great because they hang close to my heart, and inthe midst of the oppressive goings-on at work I look down, see my necklace(s) and remember what is imortant in life. They symbolize the people who gave them to me; or the places I acquired them; or the artistic spirit in me that created them. Many thanks! And the test ( Love- self; home; family; frinds;art; and sweets) could not have been a better match for me! Many thanks!
-Nell in Minnesota
Whoops, that was "rotation" in line 3 and "text" in line 13. I am too excited to key properly!
Awesome Nell!! It was a joy to make and now that you've received it I can share the images with the world. I'm glad it has gone to a good home. :) Don't know if you figured this out or not but you can wear it as a choker by unclasping, looping it around your neck twice and then re-clasp. With a little work you can move the book around so the clasp is behind your neck. I like your idea of wearing it close to your heart though... very appropriate seeing as the theme is love. Thank you for your kind words!
Best Wishes,Holly :)
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